Company information

Company names:

AUT: Elmarwa Kommunikations & Handels KG

EGP: European trade export and import

Name of the website owner: Essam Bolbol Ibrahim Elanziry

VAT-number: 547-893-213

Registered address: Branch Street Abdel Salem Aref opposite of the QASR Tower, Rachid Centre Al Bouhayra

Valid contact information

Tel.: +43 664 7961069


National agency ID: 547893213

Legal representative: Essam Bolbol Ibrahim Elanziry

The imprint is subject to the imprint template of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber – WKO. All content & information (incl. images, texts & other data material) has been provided by the owners of the website (see imprint). Any images not provided by the owners of the website have been legally downloaded from websites with licence-free images and without author attribution (,, These may be used legally and without attribution according to third party site operators. The website was created and designed in collaboration with GrowMyBusiness. The design company – GrowMyBusiness – accepts no liability for incorrect or unauthorised copying by the site owners.

Quelle: Impressum wurde mithilfe der Impressumsvorlage von GhostWeb-Marketing und Webdesign Agentur in Wien erstellt – in Kooperation mit Bodenleger und Parkettleger in Wien