Need a trade agent?

Are you looking for a trading agent that suits you and can procure any goods and raw materials worldwide at the best possible conditions? Then you have come to the right place. Our team of experienced agents works with over 40 partners worldwide to provide you with the best goods (wooden products, crude oil and agricultural products) at the best prices.

Get in touch with us

Please fill out the form and we will get back to you shortly.


FAST living

All our actions are future-oriented. Whether it is locating the goods you want or the most cost-effective and at the same time fastest possible transport of your goods. As the global economy is changing enormously fast, especially now, we are also happy to protect you against major price fluctuations and fluctuations in sales volumes. This is the only way we can continue to make you lucrative offers in the future.


Supply of goods

We find the most diverse raw materials & goods for you worldwide.



All goods are carefully packed, stored in dry places and shifted to the respective carrier ready for transport.



Whether by sea or land, all your goods will be delivered at the scheduled time and place, unharmed.

“World trade is run by the strong and it usually works against the weak.”

henry ward beecher

Since 1993

Almost 30 years ago, our Managing Director founded the trading agency with the simple goal of offering his customers the highest quality raw materials and trading goods at the best possible conditions. Although there have been numerous crisis situations over the decades, the primary business objective has never been lost from view. On the contrary, more and more international contacts were established so that bottlenecks could always be mastered with excellence.

Interaction with clients

What you have to do:

You have the lowest amount of work, you only have to tell us which products you would like to purchase and in which quantities. Generally, you also let us know from which country of origin you would like to purchase the goods. We take care of the rest, i.e. costs of the products, transporting method, customs duties, etc. If you have any questions about goods and similar things, you can reach out at any time by phone or email.

get to know each other

At the beginning, it is always important for us to get to know our customers as well as possible. This is the only way we can really get to know their needs.

Find the best product

Once we understand what our customers need, we set out to find the ideal product - at the ideal price, of course.

determining the terms of trading

Once the product has been found and both parties agree to the conditions, we consider the ideal transport method. Only when our customers are also satisfied with this the contractual circumstances are determined.
client satisfaction
Delivery In Time
Best Possible Price